Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Trusting God: Thanks For Looking Out

I reflect sometimes from days growing up from the guidance, instruction, and occasional discipline given to me by my parents and grandparents thinking how at the time I sulked in my feelings. They were actually looking out for me. My children give me the same facial impressions I gave my parents in not fully understanding… Continue reading Trusting God: Thanks For Looking Out

Mom Motivation And Empowerment

6 Things I’m Taking Into The New Year

We can all agree that 2020 was a beast to get through in a year personally, and it impacted our families with added stressors as moms. I had some hits and misses from last year. I'm an under forty divorced mom of four that has lived through 9-11, Katrina, 2 economic crashes, and a global… Continue reading 6 Things I’m Taking Into The New Year

Mom Motivation And Empowerment

Breathe Mama : Beat The Holiday Blues and Beyond

I love watching the holidays through the precious eyes of my children in seeing their excitement. Their innocence in not recognizing grown up emotions fully allowed me the safety to hide my feelings in being a bit more down this holiday season than usual; my children were protected in not carrying the burden of mommy's… Continue reading Breathe Mama : Beat The Holiday Blues and Beyond

Spiritual Growth and Understanding

When Helping Hurts : A Divine Referral In Intervention

There will be times that we may feel like we're going in circles in helping others who refuse to meet us halfway, but know we serve a mighty God that can handle helping us all ensuring that he gets the glory for deliverance in the situation at hand.

Mom Motivation And Empowerment, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Don’t Fear The Next Level

Many of us hate changing from our norm in growing comfortable with staying stagnate in not wanting to rock our boats from security, but God has the final say so in being the head coach of our lives in taking us to the next level in the season of his choosing.

Mom Motivation And Empowerment, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Handling Distractions

Life will always have something going on in one fashion or another to throw us off focus with distractions. God never promised that we wouldn't encounter distractions, but the word of God is a blueprint to reel us back in line with organizing our priorities.

Mom Motivation And Empowerment, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

The Real Glow Up: Building Your Relationship with God

I personally enjoy seeing people reflect on how far they've matured, look youthful in appearance despite a decade, or be in a happier place within their spirit in glowing. I however know that what the world may view as a glow up of outer beauty compares to nothing of the spiritual glow up that only developing a relationship with Christ can give that radiates from the inside out.

Friendship, Journeys In Motherhood

Mom Talks : The Balance of Compassion, Protection, and Wisdom

We've all been there as moms where we desperately needed to share some mommy woes in getting a few things off our chest. There are times were we as moms need to vent. There are other times we need a shoulder to cry on as mothers. There are times we need assurance in the midst of daily motherhood confusion. Mom talks with a dear friend who joins you in the trenches of mom life can be refueling. Mom talks in disclosures along with being reciprocal as the listening ear as a friend are to be held beloved with compassion, protection, and wisdom.

Being Authentic, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Thanks For The Flowers Now!

I was always told my great grandmother Addie Sue was a true character in personality. One of her most famous quotes that has been passed down throughout the family as being told by my mother was," Give me my flowers now while I can smell them, and not when I 'm gone." I never met… Continue reading Thanks For The Flowers Now!

Journeys In Motherhood

Let Them Eat Cake!

I was like most parents during the early weeks of the pandemic in creating activities to keep my four children busy. I had a little more down time to reflect about life and family. It hit me how rushed we all had been balancing as I balanced life as a full-time teacher, school for them,… Continue reading Let Them Eat Cake!

Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Celebrate Your Growth: Recognize Triggers From Your Past

My son did the biggest 180 from being a mischievousness busybody that kept me on my toes from mishaps at school to being a solid honor roll student,evening out his temperament, and he's always talking about the future in attending college. He discuses often with me in sharing his growth saying, " Mama, I was… Continue reading Celebrate Your Growth: Recognize Triggers From Your Past

Spiritual Growth and Understanding

How Can You Get Mad At Your Own Mess?

My daughters and I headed out the door to jump in the car to leave for the gym. One of my seven year old twins said " Eww, the car is a mess! " as she opened to door to get in the backseat to strap in her car seat. I took a peep to… Continue reading How Can You Get Mad At Your Own Mess?

Spiritual Growth and Understanding

The Lord Is Certain

I'm a mom with a preteen daughter and a teenage son in the house. We together try to grasp their ever changing hormones and mood swings as they grow into becoming their own. There are days as a mom I have whiplash from adjusting to my teens' fickleness in their attitude. Motherhood can be fickled.… Continue reading The Lord Is Certain

Journeys In Motherhood, Self Care

Just For A Moment: The Permission To Rest

I have extra time for myself while the kids are visiting with family for a week. The thing about motherhood is there is literally always something to do. My to-do list is always full. There's something randomly that needs to be repaired. I love writing, it's literally like therapy for me, but I have future… Continue reading Just For A Moment: The Permission To Rest

Journeys In Motherhood, The Little Things That Count

There’s No Place Like Home

Mom decided after a quick weekend getaway from Charlestons to stop by in town to cook Sunday dinner before heading back to Atlanta for family fellowship. My mom waltzed in with grocery bags filled with what she was prepping for our impromptu dinner that she was sure to throw down on in making herself at… Continue reading There’s No Place Like Home

Mom Motivation And Empowerment, Spiritual Growth and Understanding


I must admit that there are somedays where I feel on top of the world in growing into my own juggling life and kids. However, there were some periods in my life where I found myself soul searching in trying to cope through challenges in difficult seasons in understanding my true worth as a woman.… Continue reading KNOW YOUR WORTH

Journeys In Motherhood

My Daughter’s Natural Beauty Self- Acceptance

My daughter has chosen to wear her beautiful afro in the last year proudly, and I couldn't be more happier as her mom to see her love her natural hair in all it's glory. We've came a long way in sharing together in growing her confidence in walking in self-acceptance in owning who she is… Continue reading My Daughter’s Natural Beauty Self- Acceptance

Spiritual Growth and Understanding

You Asked For It: Be Careful What You Pray For

I would consider my children grateful; they don't ask for much. They have occasional moments like all children though when they've asked for a particular toy, a large helping at dinner time, or ask to go somewhere, but after they've asked for it they seem disenchanted in taking what they asked for granted. Many times… Continue reading You Asked For It: Be Careful What You Pray For

Journeys In Motherhood, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Grace In Grievances : Wisdom In Handling Conflicts

There are moments where my children have disagreements with their fellow siblings leaving one a bit more upset in their feelings.The other sibling is left feeling awkward in wanting to address the issue in making peace so things can go back to their playful norm. My oldest two children are at the age where they… Continue reading Grace In Grievances : Wisdom In Handling Conflicts