Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Guard Your Heart

Each one of us has a unique story along with having various other details about our personal lives that we have a choice to disclose. Depending on our personalities and preferences some of us are more transparent naturally in sharing with others. I am for the most part an open person, but I have learned that even in openness that we should guard our hearts in protecting our stories in journey.

Spiritual Growth and Understanding

How Can You Get Mad At Your Own Mess?

My daughters and I headed out the door to jump in the car to leave for the gym. One of my seven year old twins said " Eww, the car is a mess! " as she opened to door to get in the backseat to strap in her car seat. I took a peep to… Continue reading How Can You Get Mad At Your Own Mess?

Journeys In Motherhood, Self Care

Just For A Moment: The Permission To Rest

I have extra time for myself while the kids are visiting with family for a week. The thing about motherhood is there is literally always something to do. My to-do list is always full. There's something randomly that needs to be repaired. I love writing, it's literally like therapy for me, but I have future… Continue reading Just For A Moment: The Permission To Rest

Friendship, Journeys In Motherhood

Sisterhood Friendships & Their Beautiful Distinction

I don't have any biological sisters, but there are women in my life that are dear to me as if we were connected as sisters.I think through life lessons as we meet people we learn how to decipher a clear distinction of closeness of organic friendships that leave a lasting impression. I've had conversations, interviews,… Continue reading Sisterhood Friendships & Their Beautiful Distinction

Journeys In Motherhood, Mom Motivation And Empowerment

Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That! : Motherhood Approaching 40 or Older

I can't believe it! I'm only three years to forty. It's amazing how much life can flip in almost a decade in how our lives change drastically, our mindset matures, and what mattered so much in our early adulthood has became void in focusing on. I shared a moment with one of my closest friends… Continue reading Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That! : Motherhood Approaching 40 or Older

Mom Motivation And Empowerment, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Meek Not Weak : Recognizing Your Inner Strength

I've always admired in full regards the character trait of meekness. I found myself as a chronic people pleaser who despised any form of conflict struggling at times on how to differentiate between meekness and my inner warrior spirit. I've gained through age, experiences, and spiritual maturity more of a clarity in understanding my inner… Continue reading Meek Not Weak : Recognizing Your Inner Strength

Self Care, The Balancing Act

Relax Mom: The Premission To Unwind

I would like to say that I'm a pretty chill mom, but I've had those moments where I struggled to unwind from the day. My mind seemed to race to the next household tasks at hand, tackling homework, figuring out dinner, what was left from work to complete with assignments, attempting to navigate missed calls,… Continue reading Relax Mom: The Premission To Unwind

Journeys In Motherhood, Mom Motivation And Empowerment

You’re A Good Mom

The "perfect mother have you seen her? Have you met her? I use to search for her desperately inside of me until I let go of the notion in owing my personal motherhood journey. I let go of the idea of being the perfect mom. I dropped the notion of feeling like the bad mom… Continue reading You’re A Good Mom

Being Authentic, Mom Motivation And Empowerment

For Those Who Felt Alone On Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day is a big commercial holiday centered on love. How could you miss the advertisements of sparkly jewelry, the beautiful flower bouquets placed extra close within the entrance of every grocery store, the chocolate boxes that need no extra boost of deliciousness that seem to be more appetizing, or the sea of red hearts… Continue reading For Those Who Felt Alone On Valentine’s Day

Being Authentic

The Difference In Being Alone And Being Lonely: Enjoying Alone Time

I've learned through age, maturity, and in carrying the balancing act of marriage, family, and a slew of interpersonal relationships built from other areas of my life the distinction of being alone and being lonely. The delicate understanding of acknowledging my combination of being both extroverted and introverted allows me to have an appreciation of… Continue reading The Difference In Being Alone And Being Lonely: Enjoying Alone Time

Being Authentic, Journeys In Motherhood

Mom’s Day Out!: What Do I Do?

Motherhood can be pretty tricky for moms in carving some much needed alone time that has nothing to do with prepping and cleaning from the usual norm. I was in desperate need of some alone time after sharing myself with four busy kiddos, and as being a teacher of active middle school students. I found… Continue reading Mom’s Day Out!: What Do I Do?

Friendship, Journeys In Motherhood, Mom Motivation And Empowerment

The Other New Year: My After 30 Vibe

I shared the blessing in celebrating another year on earth recently. There was something totally different I felt in my core about this birthday that was a different sort of vibe than I've ever felt in welcoming another year here on earth. I think it was a mixture of emotions that we all have experienced… Continue reading The Other New Year: My After 30 Vibe