Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Don’t Take The Bait : Keeping Your Cool

The kids and I are going fishing together for the first time. My youngest daughter wanted to know why some fish get caught, and why other fish don't. I shared that the fish that aren't so easily caught are smart enough to recognize the bait. The same applies in real life scenarios that we face as believers in tests of  being baited into conflict, enticed in coming out of character, and being pressured to engage in brutish behavior towards others is being able to recognize the bait that is being thrown in not taking it in.

Journeys In Motherhood

Let Them Eat Cake!

I was like most parents during the early weeks of the pandemic in creating activities to keep my four children busy. I had a little more down time to reflect about life and family. It hit me how rushed we all had been balancing as I balanced life as a full-time teacher, school for them,… Continue reading Let Them Eat Cake!

Spiritual Growth and Understanding

How Can You Get Mad At Your Own Mess?

My daughters and I headed out the door to jump in the car to leave for the gym. One of my seven year old twins said " Eww, the car is a mess! " as she opened to door to get in the backseat to strap in her car seat. I took a peep to… Continue reading How Can You Get Mad At Your Own Mess?

Journeys In Motherhood, Mom Motivation And Empowerment

Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That! : Motherhood Approaching 40 or Older

I can't believe it! I'm only three years to forty. It's amazing how much life can flip in almost a decade in how our lives change drastically, our mindset matures, and what mattered so much in our early adulthood has became void in focusing on. I shared a moment with one of my closest friends… Continue reading Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That! : Motherhood Approaching 40 or Older

Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Giants Fall : Victory Over Personal Giants

    My teenage son and his tiny kid sister love to race. My son looks like an absolute giant lined up to his tiny seven year old sister. I admire how she boldly stands right beside him at the start of the race with a sense of determination in her eyes to make it undefeated… Continue reading Giants Fall : Victory Over Personal Giants