Journeys In Motherhood, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Stop Ruminating In Trusting With God: Let It Go!

I told my little strong willed daughter to let it go after we walked to the car to leave our one on one walk after an incident on the playground when an impromptu playmate decided to act unfairly in a tag game they were playing together. My daughter kept looking back yelling," Not fair, you cheated!" I shared with her that it was just a game, and I advised her to move on. She couldn't help but look back with tears in being so upset continuing to repeat the same action until we made it to the car. There are times in our walk with God where some trivial action takes place that for the life of us we can't let it go in ruminating over the situation instead of moving forward.

Spiritual Growth and Understanding

The Lord Is Certain

I'm a mom with a preteen daughter and a teenage son in the house. We together try to grasp their ever changing hormones and mood swings as they grow into becoming their own. There are days as a mom I have whiplash from adjusting to my teens' fickleness in their attitude. Motherhood can be fickled.… Continue reading The Lord Is Certain

Mom Motivation And Empowerment, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

This Little Light Of Mine

I was very shy as a child. My mom would always encourage me to speak up without fear in expressing myself through the gifts she saw in me as a little girl. I will never forget my children's choir director at one church we attended paid me five dollars to say " Ooouuu" in a… Continue reading This Little Light Of Mine

Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Giants Fall : Victory Over Personal Giants

    My teenage son and his tiny kid sister love to race. My son looks like an absolute giant lined up to his tiny seven year old sister. I admire how she boldly stands right beside him at the start of the race with a sense of determination in her eyes to make it undefeated… Continue reading Giants Fall : Victory Over Personal Giants

Mom Motivation And Empowerment, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Meek Not Weak : Recognizing Your Inner Strength

I've always admired in full regards the character trait of meekness. I found myself as a chronic people pleaser who despised any form of conflict struggling at times on how to differentiate between meekness and my inner warrior spirit. I've gained through age, experiences, and spiritual maturity more of a clarity in understanding my inner… Continue reading Meek Not Weak : Recognizing Your Inner Strength

Mom Motivation And Empowerment, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Determined Despite The Distance : A Little Green Hitchhiker Teaches The Will Of Not Giving Up!

A few weeks ago a large bug was sitting on the top of the hood of my car. I was in a rush to take the kids to school, and I was heading off to work, so I decided to walk us as close as I could to wall of the garage jumping into the… Continue reading Determined Despite The Distance : A Little Green Hitchhiker Teaches The Will Of Not Giving Up!

Being Authentic, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

The Strength In God Giving Confidence

I could feel my throat getting tight as I held the mic. My heart was pumping out of my chest. It's wasn't just the fact that I had on some stiletto heels that had my knees shaking, but it was the fear of what if I messed this up. I love music, and I've been… Continue reading The Strength In God Giving Confidence

Family Matters, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

One Call Away: Consulting With Our Primary Source

We have so many ways to connect with others in the digital age through text, video chat, cell phones, and social media to share the ongoings of things happening within our lives. It's great to have others to connect with to call on for matters, but may we never forget to consult with our Heavenly… Continue reading One Call Away: Consulting With Our Primary Source

Family Matters, Journeys In Motherhood, Mom Motivation And Empowerment, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Family Tests

Many us see pristine family photos online of happy families. Those images don't accurately depict what may be going on behind the scenes. Those images don't accurately depict what many of us have experienced growing up or what we may be experiencing within our families at this given time. We may find ourselves within moments… Continue reading Family Tests

Being Authentic, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

“Hello Past” ! I See You And I’m No Longer Scared 

   Face crack of the century can't describe the feeling when seeing old remnants from our past showing up in random places of our new beginnings. At the time it seemed like everything was going fine, we got comfortable in our new "now", and we thought we buried all those things that made up our… Continue reading “Hello Past” ! I See You And I’m No Longer Scared 

Journeys In Motherhood, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Heart to Heart :Confronting Conflict 

Confronting conflict isn't easy for everybody. Many feel as though if they bring up an issue or concern with a friend or other that it will only make the situation worst. God doesn't won't us to avoid conflict out of fear with sweeping justified offensives under the rug. God asks that when confronting conflict in… Continue reading Heart to Heart :Confronting Conflict 

Journeys In Motherhood, Mom Motivation And Empowerment, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Fighting Flight

My daughter shared in her first experience of dance camp to kick off summer break. It has been awhile since she attended this particular dance studio, but she was familiar since she was a former student. The owner and instructor knew her very well. The instructor has always treated my family kindly. I could see… Continue reading Fighting Flight

Family Matters, Journeys In Motherhood, Mom Motivation And Empowerment, The Balancing Act

Brown Sugar Baby : Fostering Confidence and Positive Self Esteem In Our Daughters

As parents we can't change what society or the media deems as beautiful. We can only share with our children regardless of gender the meaning of what true beauty is from the inside out. I don't want my daughters to just to see themselves as beautiful; I want them to see everyone as beautiful. I pray that in some way as I embrace my inner beauty as a woman that my girls will grow in appreciation in walking fully in confidence knowing who they are inside and out.