Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Show Them Your Scars, Not Your Wounds

I have some recent scars on my arm that for the life of me I can't hide which resulted from a near fatal car accident. We all have our share of scars, but wounds garner a deeper healing journey that takes time to heal. There are scars we may not can't hide, but God wants us to trust him with our wounds to make it all better.

Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Guard Your Heart

Each one of us has a unique story along with having various other details about our personal lives that we have a choice to disclose. Depending on our personalities and preferences some of us are more transparent naturally in sharing with others. I am for the most part an open person, but I have learned that even in openness that we should guard our hearts in protecting our stories in journey.

Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Name Calling : Remember You’re A Child Of God

The immaturity of name calling is loosely associated with the behavior of children on the playground. I recall my adolescent years in middle school where there would be neighborhood jiving contests in which the most hilarious blow towards another person would bring upon an eruption of loud " Ooh ooh" from those of us surrounding… Continue reading Name Calling : Remember You’re A Child Of God

Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Stop Hiding : The Enemy’s Tool of Isolation

I'm sure many moms would agree to needing a little alone time to gather their bearings. I'm all for alone time in admitting that the ambivert in me can use an interaction break occasionally, but there is a big difference in totally isolating yourself in an attempt to recluse. Isolation is a strategic tactic that the devil uses to have us ball up into hiding when we feel ashamed, defeated attacked, and scared. We most hold true in understanding the depths of God's mercy knowing nothing can separate us from his love.

Spiritual Growth and Understanding

We’re Going To The Beach! : Growing In Patience

I reminisce often about a paper my daughter wrote a few years back desperately wanting to visit the beach. She shared in her paper that if she could go anywhere in the world it would be seaside with her toes in the sand. She could hardly wait to the point that her anxiousness lead to… Continue reading We’re Going To The Beach! : Growing In Patience