Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Rest, Come, and Connect With Me: Strengthening Your Prayer Life

I awoke this morning to discover a little 7 year old drifter coming in my bedroom for one on one while her siblings were still asleep in their beds. She just wanted to connect undisturbed, and I could feel while she was in my arms a release from morning  anxiousness. There is an immediate urge within our spirits when find ourselves going too far along without connecting to God as our power source wholeheartedly. 

Mom Motivation And Empowerment, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

You Don’t Look Like What You’re Going Through

Many of us don't look like what we've been through, or we may not look like what we're possibly going through at the time. It's not likely that you'll find someone wearing a T-shirt listing everything they've been through in challenges beginning at their first fall when they begin learning how to walk. Many of… Continue reading You Don’t Look Like What You’re Going Through

Family Matters, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Seasons & Promise

   I was teaching my toddlers a medley of the four seasons. I saw the smile in their innocent eyes which made me think about life's seasons. We've had our share of shifts in seasons as a famliy. We've celebrated in times of joy, we've shared tears in losses, and we look foward to the… Continue reading Seasons & Promise

Mom Motivation And Empowerment, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

All Of Me

There's no greater connection with the Heavenly Father than growing within your spiritual life in developing your own personal relationship with God through prayer, study, and reflection. Don't get me wrong corporate worship is important, but we can venture deeper by studying the word for ourselves. We can pause in reflection on those words to digest them not just in thought, but we can digest them within our spirit.